Searching and finding: geocoaching on the Hochkönig
Hiking, picking up caches and discovering nature

Geocoaching – today's treasure hunt – proves that it is more about the hunt than the treasure: small items in containers are hidden in the natural environment.
More information as well as the coordinates are provided on the official Geocaching-Webiste.
Caches all over the world as well as an active and constantly growing community show how much fun this outdoor activity is. Try it yourself: the Hochkönig is the perfect region for geocaching. Close to the Bergheimat Hotel there are already 3 caches hidden: “Bluebird”, “Die morsche Wurzel” (the frail root) and “bei der Bergheimat” (at the Bergheimat).
What do you need for geocaching in Salzburgerland?
The only device you need is a GPS tracker or an app for your smartphone. With this you can then track the caches that are sometimes easier and sometimes harder to find depending on how difficult the hiding place is. You will get a rough idea about the location beforehand but not exactly where it is. GPS tracker can be borrowed at the Bergheimat Hotel or at the tourism office on the Hochkönig. You should of course take food, sturdy shoes and sun cream with you: or just everything you would also take on a hike.
„The Highking Code“ – Tour with 35 Caches
A real highlight is waiting for all geocachers with their first official geotour in Austria. You have to find no less than 35 hidden caches along the trail which leads through the three villages on the Hochkönig. You can ask for a treasure map in the tourism offices in the region and get a first overview of the adventure ahead of you.
Legends and treasures in Dienten
Around picturesque Dienten, only a few metres from the Bergheimat Hotel away, just take the hiking bus, you will find various legendary hiking paths. The special feature: some of the secrets only give away the whole story if you find the secret hidden places and pick up the geocache. Yet another incentive that turns younger and older hikers into treasure hunters.
Experience the wonderful natural environment and go on a modern treasure hunt. We are looking forward to your no obligation holiday enquiry for the cosy Bergheimat Hotel on the Hochkönig and will immediately respond with an attractive offer.