Reviews of the 4 star Hotel
Holiday at the 4-star Bergheimat Hotel on the Höchkönig in Salzburgerland
Have a look at how other Bergheimat guests have rated your holiday hotel in Mühlbach am Hochkönig. Read how satisfied our holiday guests were with the hotel, the holiday region and the various offers and what made them especially happy.
Additionally, you also can leave your review on the Bergheimat Hotel on Holidaycheck. This way you can tell us and other Bergheimat guests your impressions and experiences in Mühlbach.
- 4 reviews of Bergheimat Hotel in Muhlbach am Hochkonig
A holiday at the Bergheimat Hotel is exactly what you wish for? Then let us know your preferred date and room with a no obligation holiday enquiry! The Bergheimat team will gladly create an attractive holiday offer for you.
We are looking forward to welcoming you as a guest at our hotel.